Expecting new Frenchie Fur Babies for Thanksgiving!
Please TEXT (270) 706-2305
Adorable Frenchies & English Bulldogs Await You!
Find Your Perfect Fur-baby!
Our Ky Paws are loyal, friendly, and ready to join your family.
Expecting new Frenchie Fur Babies for Thanksgiving!
Please TEXT (270) 706-2305
Our Ky Paws are loyal, friendly, and ready to join your family.
Text 270-706-2305 for orders
The puppies will be ready for their new homes around Valentines!
They will be vet checked, vaccinated, and dewormed. All puppies will come with a fifth generation pedigree and AKC papers.
Price for each puppy will be $2,000.
This is Bella!
She is the Mother of this litter that was born on May 21, 2024. She is an AKC French bulldog.
This is Max!
He is the Father of this litter that was born on May 21, 2024. He is a "Frug."
He is a French bulldog and Pug mix.
This is a boy
He is the only fawn BOY left.
He is kind of laid-back and loves attention. He loves to cuddle. Great with other dogs. Born on May 21, 2024. He is Frenchie and Pug mixed. His tail has been docked.
These are all BOYS!
These boys are all brindle and look a lot alike. They are loving and very active. They love playing and running. They like to play together and steal toys from each other. These guys are Frenchie and Pug mixed. They were born May 21, 2024. Their tails have been docked.
Daddy Alfredo
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